In addition to all the above we have a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath on staff. He can answer questions you may have on what's available either via traditional over-the-counter products or via Professional Grade Products only available here. If health is what your're after SGMC Quarryville is here to help. Simply call 717-786-7118 and ask for Phil Allamong CTN
Our goal with the supplements that we stock is to bring the finest quality whole-food supplements without the unnecessary excipients and fillers. We carry supplements from Quantum Nutrition Labs and Now Foods which are exceptional brands, along with many other brands too numerous to mention.
We carry many natural cleaners for your body and your home. Think Dr. Bronner's, Kirk's, BetterLife and Charlie's Laundry Powder and Indoor/Outdoor cleaner, organic bar soaps from Vermont Soap, and HogWash Soap from SallyAnder. If it needs cleaned we can help you clean it naturally.
Homeopathy has been around for more than 200 years and is used successfully to treat most human maladies by more than 200 million of the world's population. We carry both single and combination remedies from Ollois, Washington Homeopathic, KingBio SafeCare and others as well. We will gladly get you any remedies that you need.
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